Semirecogido sencillo con volumen.

Hoy aprenderemos a dar volumen a nuestro semirecogido del día a día.

Nunca ponerse dos horquillas fue tan glamuroso… 😉

  1. Seleccionamos una parte de nuestro cabello ( de frente a coronilla)
  2. Sujetamos para que no nos moleste.
  3. Cardamos, seleccionando mechones finos .
  4. Cardamos un poco la parte baja de nuestro cabello reservado en la parte 1.
  5. Peinamos.
  6. Enlacamos.
  7. Fijamos con horquillas.
  8. Con ayuda de un peine ,pellizcamos para que quede todo uniforme.
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Macarena Rodriguez

One comment

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    12 de marzo de 2015 at 20:47

    que bueno y que chulo queda! con pelo rizado tb se podria hacer? gracias


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With a clinical eye for assessing, treating, and tracking your progress, we take careful notes, supply you with related resources and information, provide you with a recommended plan, and help you to follow up on your goals, for lasting results.

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Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail. Keeping your eye on the ball while performing a deep dive on the start-up mentality.

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With a clinical eye for assessing, treating, and tracking your progress, we take careful notes, supply you with related resources and information, provide you with a recommended plan, and help you to follow up on your goals, for lasting results.

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Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail. Keeping your eye on the ball while performing a deep dive on the start-up mentality.

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Copyright by Macarena Rodriguez Beauty Center. All rights reserved.