
Envolturas con arcilla

Es necesario realizar mínimo 4 sesiones. Su función principal es eliminar las estrías rosadas, mejorar la apariencia de la piel y prevenir la aparición de nuevas estrías.

Este tratamiento  incluye un pelling, envoltura con arcilla ( roja o verde), presoterapia, cavitación o radiofrecuencia (dependiendo de la zona a tratar ) y gimnasia pasiva ó scultpnova ( con suplemento en el precio )


logo Macarena Rodriguez
In few words...

With a clinical eye for assessing, treating, and tracking your progress, we take careful notes, supply you with related resources and information, provide you with a recommended plan, and help you to follow up on your goals, for lasting results.

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Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail. Keeping your eye on the ball while performing a deep dive on the start-up mentality.

In few words...

With a clinical eye for assessing, treating, and tracking your progress, we take careful notes, supply you with related resources and information, provide you with a recommended plan, and help you to follow up on your goals, for lasting results.

About Primavera
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Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail. Keeping your eye on the ball while performing a deep dive on the start-up mentality.

Copyright by Macarena Rodriguez Beauty Center. All rights reserved.

Copyright by Macarena Rodriguez Beauty Center. All rights reserved.